My first dutch stereotype ideas.
And some about the US.
We decided to base our character on dutch stereotypes.
Based on popular snacks for the so-called "borrels" these were my first sketches. A borrel is a gathering, usually in the late afternoon or evening, where you share alcoholic drinks (like wine, liquor or beers), and a variety of hearty mini snacks.
They were dressed in historical dutch clothes and styled with the white gloves to hint at old animation designs.
We liked these, so I drew up a model sheet.
Everett mentioned wanting to learn blender, so we decided he'd make the head while I did the body.
I used a lot of subdivision modifiers.
We then combined the two and made it hollow so it can be printed.
Next up was the packaging. We both got started on our own designs and then put the two together again.
After handing everything in I decided I wanted a better visual of the box, so I projected it onto the box I originally used to get my size right in the blender file.
Then came the upload to sketchfab, and I was done.
Figure it Out!

Figure it Out!
